Sunday, 15 April 2018

Project VBA - Storing values between re-openings of Microsoft Project

Some times it may be useful to store variable values so that when you next open Microsoft Project you can carry on from where you left off.  There are a few ways that this could be done but one of the easiest and most effective ways is to use document properties.

Reading Custom Document Properties

By default, Microsoft Project will already be storing some values in Document Properties that can be read by accessing the CustomerDocumentProperties collection.  For example, MSP stores "Scheduled Start" and "Scheduled Finish" so that it can be read by other applications e.g. SharePoint.

We can loop through these like any collection as shown below.

Dim docProps As Office.DocumentProperties
Dim docProp As Office.DocumentProperty

Set docProps = ActiveProject.CustomDocumentProperties

For Each docProp In docProps
    Debug.Print docProp.Name + ": " + CStr(docProp.Value)
Next docProp

Storing a Custom Document Property

We can store a new property by using the Add method on CustomDocumentProperty object.  We can define different types for the value that we want to store.  The different types can be used by passing the Type parameter to the Add method where the different types are from MsoDocProperties enumeration.  This enumeration values are listed below and these are common across the different Office applications (you can see from the Dim line above that these are standard Office objects).

Name Value Description
msoPropertyTypeNumber 1 Float
msoPropertyTypeBoolean 2 Boolean
msoPropertyTypeDate 3 Date
msoPropertyTypeString 4 String
msoPropertyTypeFloat 5 Float

docProps.Add Name:="A Key", LinkToContent:=False, _
             Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="A value"

If you try to add a key Name that already exists then VBA will throw an error.  As such, you will need to search for your key to make sure it doesn't exist before adding again.

Full Example

The below example sets a key MY_KEY to a value that is provided in an InputBox and can be changed.  Try setting it something, saving your MPP file and then re-opening.  You will find your previous value has been saved in the custom document properties for later retrieval.

Const MY_KEY = "MY KEY"

Sub AddDocumentVariable()

    Dim docProps As Office.DocumentProperties
    Dim docProp As Office.DocumentProperty
    Dim numProps As Integer
    Dim found As Boolean
    Dim newVal As String
    found = False
    Set docProps = ActiveProject.CustomDocumentProperties

    numProps = docProps.Count
        For Each docProp In docProps
           If (docProp.Name = MY_KEY) Then
                Debug.Print MY_KEY + ": " + docProps.Item(MY_KEY)
                newVal = docProps.Item(MY_KEY)
                found = True
                Debug.Print docProp.Name + ": " + CStr(docProp.Value)
            End If
        Next docProp
    newVal = InputBox("Store value for key - " + MY_KEY, _
                    "Store Value in Document Properties", newVal)
    If found = False Then
        docProps.Add Name:=MY_KEY, LinkToContent:=False, _
                    Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:=newVal
        Debug.Print MY_KEY + " exits: No of custom document properties: " _
                    & numProps
        docProps.Item(MY_KEY).Value = newVal
    End If

End Sub

Viewing Document Properties

You can view the Custom Document Properties by selecting the Advanced Properties option on the File->Info menu.

You can then see the key you have added and manipulate it, as shown below, using the .properties box that opens.

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Saturday, 31 March 2018

Project VBA - using find and select to navigate project views and change colours

For anyone who is used to the power of using VBA to manipulate the look of an Excel sheet then you are going to be a little frustrated with what you can do with VBA in Project.  You cannot for example uses the Task or Resource objects for finding the cell in a view and manipulating that cell to change its colour.  If you want to change the colour of a cell then the only way is to use Select and Find methods to change the ActiveCell and apply font colour changes to the Cell object.  In other words, the Cell object can only be used on the ActiveCell which will appear a bit limiting.

Using the Find method

To illustrated this, in the following example I have some external dependencies in my Project plan that all have task names with DEP: prepended on them.  I can use the Find method to find the row in the current view where the text "DEP: " is found.  To so this, I am first going to call the ViewApply method to make sure that the Gantt view is displayed.

ViewApply Name:="Gantt Chart"

Find Field:="Name", Test:="contains", Value:="DEP:"

We can then use the FontColor method to set the colour.  In this case purple.  If you want to set a specific colour rather than a standard colour you can use FontColorEx and provide an RGB value.  We can also use the Font32Ex method to change the font to bold.

ViewApply Name:="Gantt Chart"

Find Field:="Name", Test:="contains", Value:="DEP:"

ActiveCell.FontColor = pjPurple
Application.Font32Ex Bold:=True

Notice here that FontColor applies to the Cell object whereas the Font32Ex has to be called via the Application object.  You can also change the font size, style, cell background pattern and colour using Font32Ex.

The limitation of the above code is that when I have multiple dependencies in my project that I want to colour them all it is difficult to find them using the Find method.  The Find method will search from the current ActiveCell but I don't know what row number I am on and there is no way of finding it.  I also can't rely on the ID field to know the row number as that could change.  For example when I apply a filter or if I change by Gantt task view to be ordered by another field.

Currently if I looped this code the Find method will start find the same dependency each time because after it finds it the first time, it will start from that position and the next iteration will find the same line again.

Using Select methods

There are several different select methods that are available that can be used to change the ActiveCell to be a different selection.  We can move both relative to the current position or to absolute row numbers.

For example, I can use the following to move the ActiveCell down 1 row relative to where we are.

' move down one row
SelectTaskField Row:=1, Column:="Name", RowRelative:=True

When we then run the Find method again it will find and colour the next dependency.  How do we know when we have found them all?  This is not easy as the Find method will keep loop back to the top of the view and keep searching and we don't know which row number we are on.

To overcome this and complete the code, we can store the task ID of the first Dependency we find with the above code and then store it.  If we increment the line number after each find with the above select task and then put this in a loop, when we get back to our task ID we know we have been all the way through the view.

Dim firstTask As Long

firstTask = 0

ViewApply Name:="Gantt Chart"
Do While Find(Field:="Name", Test:="contains", Value:="DEP:")
    ' Record if we are the first task ane exit if we have looped
    If firstTask = 0 Then
        firstTask = ActiveCell.Task.ID
    ElseIf firstTask = ActiveCell.Task.ID Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ActiveCell.FontColor = pjPurple
    Application.Font32Ex Bold:=True
    ' move down one row
    SelectTaskField Row:=1, Column:="Name", RowRelative:=True

Further Enhancements

There are a lot of different Select type functions that can be used to select a cell, a range, a column, a row or a field.  We could can modify the above code to select the whole row and then colour that rather than just the task name.

Note: when using colours in Project the RGB value is reversed from normal HTML style RGB values.  That is, red is the last byte not the first.  So lavender rgb(230,230,250) is called in Project as hexadecimal &HFAE6E6

In the below code, I uses the SelectRow method to select the whole row that the Find method found and then use the Font32Ex method on the Application object to set the text and background colour using reverse RGB hexadecimal values.

' Select all of the current row
SelectRow RowRelative:=True, Add:=True

' Colour our row purple and make the text bold
Application.Font32Ex Bold:=True, Color:=&H82004B, CellColor:=&HFAE6E6

Some limitations

This macro does the job but there are a couple of limitations.  First, the screen will flicker is the macro runs through the view and changes the colours.  There is nothing we can do about this as pointed out in the beginning, in Project you can only change the cell colours through the interface view.

Secondly, if you have summary tasks collapsed then this code will only work on the visible rows in the view.  So if you have some dependencies in this manner that are hidden under collapsed summary tasks then this code will never get to them.

Download Full File

The full file for the code below can be downloaded from here in a Microsoft Project file with the VBA Macros already setup and ready to use. (It uses a proof of work formula before opening):

MSP VBA - Part 5 - Using Select-Find-Colour in Projects

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Monday, 19 March 2018

Handling events in VBA for Microsoft Project

VBA can be used to capture certain events within Microsoft Project.  This could be used, for example, to capture when a field has been changed in the active Project view, when a task is added or when a Project file is saved.  This can therefore be used to automatically update fields or trigger other process through a Macro when these events happen.  As such, it is quite flexible although sometimes a little clunky.

Event Handler Class

The first thing that we need to do is create a Class Module, which in my example I have called myEvents, which will contain the event handling methods.

We need to create an Application and/or Project instance variable WithEvents to capture events.  There are different event handlers available for Application or Project.  Here I have chosen a simple example using the ProjectBeforeTaskChange event handler.  This method needs to be prefixed by App_ which is the variable name for our instance of the Application object.

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents App As Application
Public WithEvents Proj As Project

Private Sub App_ProjectBeforeTaskChange(ByVal tsk As MSProject.Task, _
                                        ByVal Field As PjField, _
                                        ByVal NewVal As Variant, _
                                        ByRef Cancel As Boolean)    

    MsgBox ("Event: Project Task Changed")        

End Sub

ProjectBeforeTaskChange Event

I have used this event as an example as it is a good way of understanding how events work and understanding the fields that are passed to the event handler.

The PjField enumeration signifies the different fields that could be changed in the view where the task has been changed.   In other words, these are the different columns available in the standard Gantt Chart view of Microsoft Project. I have chosen the pjTaskWork field which will show as thw Work column but a full list of fields can be found here. I have then used the Task that the Event was triggered for and the NewVal field to work out what the field has been changed to.

If Field = pjTaskWork Then

    MsgBox ("Work changed for task : " + tsk.Name + _
            " to " + CStr(NewVal) + _
            " from " + CStr(tsk.Work / 60))

End If

Notice the event only triggers for the field when it is directly changed.  If you change another field that causes the Work field to be recalculated the event is not triggered.

The fourth variable passed to the Event handler is Cancel.  If this is set to True and is passed ByRef then the returning True value will cause the change to stop.  In this case, the user will be returned to the field which he is editing with the cursor still blinking for the edit to be accepted.

If Val(NewVal) = 0 Then

    MsgBox ("Can't let you change work to zero")
    Cancel = True

End If

Other Event Handlers

There are multiple event handlers that could be used.  The two pages below in the main VBA reference provide a full list

For completeness, there is a simple example using an Event on the Project object.  This Event fires when the calculate project event happens which may be after a task change or depending on your settings when you manually trigger it.  Either way, it might depending on your setup be a good event to trigger your code from.

Private Sub App_ProjectCalculate(ByVal p As Project)

    MsgBox ("Calcualate project: " + p.Name)

End Sub

Download Full File

The full file for the code below can be downloaded from here in a Microsoft Project file with the VBA Macros already setup and ready to use. (It uses a proof of work formula before opening):

MSP VBA - Part 4- Using Events in Projects

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Sunday, 11 March 2018

VBA for Projects - Using TimeScaleValues with tasks, assignments and resources

Advanced users of Microsoft Project will know that Project can be quite flexible in the way that task assignments are handled.  For example, it is possible to manipulate the hours worked across different days so that they are not equally spread.  This is really useful if a resource can only work certain days of the week on a particular task.  To enable these different allocation fluctuations to be examined and manipulated in Microsoft Project we have the TimeScaleValues collection that contains TimeScaleValue objects.

TimeScaleValue Object

To create a collection of TimeScaleValue objects we need to use the TimeScaleData method which is callable from the Task, Assignment or Resource objects.  The idea of the TimeScaleValue object is that you can specify a time period and time slice and return a list of TimeScaleValue objects for each timeslot in your range.  By doing this, you can examine work and cost data on the different days.  You an either do that on the task level, the resource level or the assignment level.

This is obviously very powerful but can take a while to get used to when working with this method.  The method takes the following parameters.

Name Data Type Notes
Start Date * Variant The start date of where we are going to look at for your data. You might want to use for example ActiveProject.ProjectStart if looking across the whole project or some other date. If you are looking at weeks and specify a Thursday the actual start date will be rounded back to the beginning of the week (which depends on your locale).
EndDate * Variant Like the start date, this date is the end of your interval and you may wish to set it to the ActiveProject.ProjectFinish date.
Type Long This is the type of data that we want to be returned in our TimeScaleValue objects. The default is Work which is the same as specifying pjTaskTimescaledWork. The other available options include things like pjTaskTimescaledCost for looking at cost and pjTaskTimescaledActualWork. Follow this link for a full list of PjTaskTimescaledData that can be used.
TimeScaleUnit Long This is the length of time that each chunk of your TimeScaleValue objects will cover. The default is to look at weeks which uses pjTimescaleWeeks but you might want to choose days using pjTimescaleDays or any of the other possible values listed here: PjTimescaleUnit
count Long This is the number of chunks to group together. In other words, if your TimeScaleUnit is pgTimescaleWeeks and your Count is 2 then two weeks will be grouped together in the results

Example using Tasks

The following example uses the TimeScaleData method for the Task object.  It looks at the Work fore the period from the project start date to the project finish date on a daily snapshot.
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
    If Not t Is Nothing Then
        For Each tsv In t.TimeScaleData(ActiveProject.ProjectStart, _
                                        ActiveProject.ProjectFinish, _
                                        pjTaskTimescaledWork, _
            If CInt(Val(tsv.Value)) > 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Task: " + t.Name + _
                             " Date: " + CStr(tsv.StartDate) + _
                             " Time: " + CStr(tsv.Value)
            End If
        Next tsv
    End If
Next t

Download Full File

The full file for the code below can be downloaded from here (It uses a proof of work formula before opening):

MSP VBA - Part 3 - Using timescaled data with Projects and VBA

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Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Using VBA with Microsoft Project to access projects and tasks


If you are using another Office application like Excel to manipulate Microsoft Project then you will need to first create an application.  Please follow my first  blog post to learn how to create an Application Object and open a Project file.

Part 1: Opening and Using Microsoft Project from Excel

To access projects tasks we need to have the right Project object.  We can get this from two methods.

Project Object

First, we can loop through all the projects that are open against the Microsoft Project application.

For Each prj In App.Projects
  Debug.Print "Project Name: " + prj.Name
Next prj

Alternatively, if we are running our VBA Macro from inside the Project application we may want to automatically select the active project.  To do this, we can use the ActiveProject variable that always points to the  current project which is active withing Microsoft Project.

 Debug.Print "Project Name: " +

Project Attributes

There are a lot of properties and methods that can be accessed through the Project object.  There are a few common ones that will be really useful in your scripts that are listed below but for a full set you will need to look at the Project VBA Reference material online.

' The FullName is the path name and file name of the project file
Debug.Print "Project Full Name: " + ActiveProject.FullName
Debug.Print "Project No Tasks: " + CStr(ActiveProject.NumberOfTasks)
Debug.Print "Project Start: " + CStr(ActiveProject.ProjectStart)


One of the properties of the Project class is a Collection of Task objects.  We can loop through this collection to access all the tasks in the MSP Project Plan.

Dim t As Task

For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
    If Not t Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print "Task ID: " + CStr(t.ID)
        Debug.Print "Task: " + t.Name
        Debug.Print "Duration: " + CStr(t.Duration)
        Debug.Print "Start Date: " + CStr(t.Start)
        Debug.Print "Finish Date: " + CStr(t.Finish)
        Debug.Print "Work: " + CStr(t.Work)
    End If
Next t

Above I have included again a subset of the many Task properties that you may wish to use in your code.  You can also write to these properties, for example, to update a task name through your code.

Resources and Assignments

When you deal with tasks within Microsoft Project, there are different tables of information that Project uses in the background to resource the task.  The Resource object holds information about the resource (you can view on the Resource Sheet view of MSP) and the Assignment object deals with the assignment of a Resource to a Task to do some work.

The Task object has a Resources collection of Resource objects which you can use to list out the resources assigned to the task.

Dim r As Resource

For Each r In t.Resources
   Debug.Print "Resource: " + r.Name
Next r

In my next blog post on VBA with Projects, I will explore in more detail Assignments and how to work with them.

Download Full File

The full file for the code below can be downloaded from here (It uses a proof of work formula before opening):

MSP VBA - Part 2 - Using projects and tasks in VBA

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Saturday, 24 February 2018

Opening and using Microsoft Project from an Excel VBA Macro

Anyone who uses Microsoft Project regularly will know all to well that although MSP is powerful it is also sometimes a bit clumsy.  There are quite complex data structures behind MSP and can be difficult to view the data in the way that makes sense of it.  Using Microsoft Excel VBA Macros to extract data from MSP and then manipulate it in Excel is very powerful.  This article shows how to create Excel Macros to do that.

Getting Started

We need to create a Application object and the best way to do this is to use the Early Binding approach which requires that we need to select the Object Library.

Step 1: Select the References menu from Tools

Step 2: Find the Microsoft Office Project Object Library and click OK

Selecting a file to open

This bit of code allows you to select a Microsoft Project file to open.  It opens a dialog box and saves the returned file name into object strFileToOpen.  We can then test to see if a filename was selected or the box was cancelled.

    ' Open a file Dialog to find the project file
    strFileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename _
        (Title:="Please choose a file to open", _
        FileFilter:="Project Files *.mpp* (*.mpp*),")
    ' Return if no file name selected
    If strFileToOpen = False Then
        MsgBox "No file selected.", vbExclamation, "Sorry!"
        Exit Sub
    End If

Opening the MSP File

Once we have the File name we can create an MS Project Application object and use to manipulate the Project file.  In this very simple example, we open the MS Project file and add a task called "Hello World", save the file and then close it.

    Dim App As MSProject.Application
    Set App = New MSProject.Application
    'App.Visible = True

    Debug.Print "Opening File: ", strFileToOpen
    App.FileOpen strFileToOpen
    Debug.Print "About to Add Task"
    App.ActiveProject.Tasks.Add "Hello World"

I have commented out the App.Visible = True statement but you can use this to bring the MS Project application into foreground.  Without this, the code will manipulate the MSP file in the background without displaying it.

Did we Open the MSP Application

The above code is fine but at the end of it we close the MSP application.  From a usability perspective we may want to open MSP in the background and process our Macro if MSP was not already open.  However, if it was open already,  we want to select the file that we are working on and activate it.  

    weOpened = 1
    ourFile = 0
    For Each prj In App.Projects
        weOpened = 0
        Debug.Print "Looking through open projects: " + CStr(prj.FullName)
        If prj.FullName = strFileToOpen Then
            Debug.Print "About to Activate the App we opened"
            ourFile = 1
        End If
    Next prj

The above bit of code iterates through the list of projects open in MSP.  If there are any open it marks it that we didn't open MSP.  If it finds the same file name from the filename dialog it calls the Activate method do make it the Project in focus.

Download Full File

The full file for the code below can be downloaded from here (It uses a proof of work formula before opening):

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Ethereum:  0xe69b176A1A5492f19E3595389EA094C732723b69

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Dealing with Cargo Cult mentality in ERP implementations

Cargo Cults have developed several times throughout history, in various locations around the world, after the withdrawal of technologically advanced civilisations at the end of war or military occupation.  The indigenous locals, not understanding the science behind how airplanes full of wonderful cargo were arriving with their advanced and luxury goods, believed that if they repeated the same rituals as the Western serviceman then they would please the gods to deliver the same results.  Tribal locals built mocked up runways and stood at the end waving flags hoping that the planes would arrive with their wonderful cargo.  There are stories of people building wooden radios, control towers and runways all in hope of once again attaining the lavish western goods that were in abundance when, presumably, the foreign servicemen were pleasing their gods.  Their lack of appreciation and understanding of the science and technology resulted in them dealing with the situation in a mythical manner.

During the early days of computing, a similar behaviour occurred within business.  Companies looked at their competitors and saw how profitable they had become after deploying these new things called computers.  They believed that if they also deployed computer systems into their businesses then they would also become more profitable.  Except, they had no idea what computers were, what they really did or how to use them.  They didn't really understand the technology and their adoption of the new technology became almost mythical.

In today's world, this behaviour still exists and in technology you will come across expressions like Cargo Cult Programming which describes where a programmer writes nonsense code that does not actually do anything.

Over the last few years, I have come across similar behaviours whilst working as a ERP programme manager.  Cargo Cult mentality manifests itself in two ways within organisations implementing ERP systems.

First, some companies adopt ERP with very vague ideas regarding the benefits they will gain often based on vague concepts like "consolidated and integrated system" or "global system".  The basic underlying issue here is that they haven't really understood the business case for adopting the ERP solution. In fact, I find it shocking how many projects do not really have a business case or it is just a document that is collecting dust somewhere but is forgotten about one the implementation actually starts. To be successful in deploying ERP we have to have clear benefits that we are trying to realise.  Success needs something to measure against.  Moreover, the business case should be a living document that is checked and updated on every turn of the project.  If we don't, are we any better than the cargo cult mentality adopters of early computers?

Implementation projects also tend to forget the human factor of what it really takes to facilitate the organisational change to realise the benefits stated in the business case.  Too many projects just ram the new system in with a bit of training and then wonder why they struggle to see the benefits.

In my view, to counter this, organisations need to work with an implementation partner who can help them set out their business case from the programme outset and then provide support for the organisation to transform themselves so that they can adopt the new ERP solution successfully.  Finally, we need to measure the benefits and track progress against a plan of how benefits will be realised.

The second form of Cargo Cult mentality that I have witnessed is during the implementation itself.  Many organisations have never embarked on a transformation programme that will impact the organisation to the extent of an ERP implementation.  It may be the largest internal programme they have ever executed.  However, they may look at other organisations who have completed the journey and think that they can easily repeat it by themselves (or with little help).  Or they will mistakenly think that they can just push some of their existing BAU staff into project roles and that they will have sufficient skills to complete the tasks required.  Often seasoned experts are expensive and the organisation will think that they can save money by doing many of the implementation activities themselves. 

 BAU staff don't always adjust well to project roles where they suddenly find themselves moved out of their comfort zone and working in an environment that contains risk and uncertainty.  Programme management teams do not always consider the human aspect and the stress they are putting on their team.  Compare this to specialist consultants who have often completed several implementations and perfected skills through experience and who have usually been burned, bear the scars and have learned from their mistakes.  There is often a sense of naivety as to how easy these skills are to pick up and it is not recognised early enough that the project team are suffering.

The problem is, they don't know what they don't know.  They don't know the pitfalls to look out for.  They don't recognise when the wheels are wobbling.  They run through the programme with a level of confidence that is built upon shaky foundations of ignorance. 

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge" - Charles Darwin

I am not saying not to use people for the business, in fact they are vital.  Use them for what they are good at which is bringing their knowledge and experience of your business to the table to ensure the solution fits the requirements, the culture and the capabilities of your organisation.  In fact, many organisations will not want to use too many staff as it requires backfilling that can hit operating costs.  Instead, the business may believe it is better to use contractors where they can capitalise on the cost.  The danger is that they take on an army of self-serving contractors who do not really understand the business, cannot leverage output from peers in the organisation with whom they don't have a working relationship, may not even have the required expertise but who are good at self-preservation.  The result is often a dysfunctional team and an unhealthy blame culture.  However, this is seen as a cheaper option rather than working with a single partner who will take a more holistic view of the delivery through a team of experts that are used to working together across different programme functions.  The other problem with contractors is that the organisation is not building lasting knowledge and expertise within their own people.  It is not in the best interest of the contractor to pass on knowledge as it may threaten their own worth.

Problems in the ERP implementation quite often surface when the programme starts testing the new solution.  This is when the programme team find requirements have not been met, migrated data is of poor quality, they have not completed their testing scope and the business are resistant to transform themselves to adopt the solution.  Late projects that are restricted by budget often have to cut back on scope which in reality dilutes the final benefits.  This further dampens the spirits of the team and the enthusiasm of the end users.

It can be frustrating for implementation experts in such a situation as they can often see that the wheels are wobbling but are not empowered to do anything about it.  I recently worked on a programme where as a consultant team we could see loads of issues with the organisation's preparation for UAT but the organisation didn't see any impending disaster.  The programme management didn't listen to our advice and as they didn't know what good should look like, they didn't recognise the signs that things weren't going well.  By refusing to listen to our advice they carried on for a long time marching the path towards failure.  It is not productive to come back and say, "we told you so!"  So how can we influence the situation when the organisation are clearly operating with a Cargo Cult mentality?  That is, they are going through the motions of executing the necessary implementation activities without doing justice to those activities because of their lack of experience.  The stage gates become a box-ticking exercise but then they are surprised when the wheels finally fall off.

If you are noticing Cargo Cult mentality on your implementation project then I would advise to follow the following procedure:

  1. Listen to the arguments that the organisation bring as to why they think they can do it easily themselves or as to why they think their approach will bring success.  Be sure you understand their arguments and be certain that you are not the one who is over complicating the situation.  Once you understand their point of view then you can decide the best way to respond.
  2. Stake out the stakeholders.  You need to understand which stakeholders are more willing to listen, what their background, influence and experience is, so that you can build a plan for influencing them.
  3. Once you understand the different stakeholders then you need to build rapport with them and position your viewpoint with those who have the influence and who are more inclined to listen.
  4. Sow seeds - this has to be done without being seen as being overly negative.  We need to provide solutions to perceived problems rather than just moan.
  5. Perseverance.

Finally, for organisations that are embarking on an ERP implementation, to avoid Cargo Cult behaviours developing, then I have the following advice:

  1. Understand your business case, plan how you will transform your business and adopt the solution to realise the benefits stated in your business case.
  2. Have a critical look at your internal capabilities and understand if your team have really worked on large transformation projects and have the functional and technical knowledge to enable success.  Relying heavily on contractors may seem cheap but too many will pile up the risk.  Cutting corners on budget early can often mean paying a lot more in the long run.
  3. Be prepared to invest in bolstering your skills where you see the shortfall.  Develop a knowledge transfer plan to bolster your project team's knowledge early on.
  4. It may not be wise to partner with a ERP system integrator who do not have wider business consultancy skills but rather use a partner who judges success as delivering an outcome that is in-line with the business case.

Abdul-Wahid Paterson is a director in Hitachi Solutions and works as a programme manager on Microsoft Dynamic implementations.  He has a passion for helping develop the next generation of leaders and empowering everyone to achieve the most out of life.  To find out more about Microsoft Dynamics and how it could help your organisation then please visit the Hitachi Solutions page.

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